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Phantom S710 High Speed Camera

The Phantom S710 provides up to 7 Gpx/sec (87.5 Gbps) of data throughput for Machine Vision applications. It leverages the performance and extremely high frame rates of the VEO 710 to Machine Vision applications via CXP6 protocol.

The Phantom S710 can achieve over 700,000 frames-per-second (fps) when resolutions are reduced. At its full resolution, 1280 x 800, for the widest field of view and the best image detail possible, the S710 can produce up to 7,275 fps. This powerful machine vision camera is capable of this by combining the functionality of the proven VEO 710 sensor with standard machine vision industry protocols such as CXP6 and GenICam.

Phantom high-speed camera features such as GPIO for trigger, event, memgate, strobe, and ready signals ensure the camera is able to capture images as needed over both short- and long-term recording durations. Time code in/out stamping is available directly on image frames to provide accurate and reliable date during machine analysis.

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