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Phantom S991 High Speed Camera

The Phantom S991 delivers 9 Gpx/sec (70 Gbps) of throughput and the power of the Phantom Flex 4K sensor with CXP-over-fiber technology for extreme high-speed imaging. Imaging flexibility is enhanced through adjustable capacity settings. Using just 1 fiber cable for 1/2 capacity operation (4 Gpx/sec) allows researchers to achieve full frame rates at smaller resolutions while full capacity operation (8 Gpx/sec) offers large to maximum resolution for highly detailed imaging.

※ Up to 937 fps at 4096 x 2304 (8 bit)
※ 6.75 micron pixel size
※ Rolling or Global shutter 8- and 12-bit selectable
※ User friendly CXP-over-fiber technology

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